Have you got any idea about how much money
you can save on trips alone if your pet passes the ESA registration?
Do you believe that getting ESA letter
is too complicated?

Are you worried about not being able to take your dog anywhere you go? It is time to crack your problems!
Read more about emotional support dog registration and apply for a one right now!
Emotional support animal is any pet that belongs to a person and is “prescribed” to him/her by a medical professional as a kind of psychological treatment. Animals we love have a proven effect to cure or at least minimize effects of psychological, mental or emotional disabilities. However, it is not always possible to stay inseparable because of flights and housing restrictions.
Face similar problems?
Emotional support dog letter is the solution you were looking for!

of emotional support animal certification?
Check the advantages you get:
Fly Cheap and Easy!
The common rules on travelling by plane have no loyalty towards pets. In most cases, travelling with a pet is prohibited, and even if it is not, get ready for a most amazing pay for your flight. Leaving the pet at home is not always a good idea. If you want to travel much with your dog, you`d better pass the emotional support dog certification. In this case, your favorite pet will be placed in the cabin together with you absolutely for free! On this point alone, you save up to three hundred dollars every flight! This rule concerns not only the emotional support animal dog but any other pet that has the equal supporting qualification.
Live with Your Pet Legally!
According to Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1998, you do not get charged with any extra fees or special deposits if you live with your ESA dog or other pet. The only requirement is that you get responsible for the behavior of your friend and compensate any possible damage. Now, you have a chance for a comfortable residence with your pet without any discriminations ever possible.
Feel Better!
Living with your favorite pet will certainly bring the sense of comfort and overall support to you. Forget about loneliness, anxiety and depression; you`d better take your ESA dog for a walk!
Find New Friends!
It is a well-knows fact that people who spend their time with pets are more socially interactive. They have more chances to meet new friends, more topics for conversation and they feel less awkward in society. Have a dear friend on your side and forget about tension in communication!
How to get ESA letter?
Now when the advantages are obvious, it is time to talk about HOW TO GET an emotional support animal letter. The process is not complicated at all and consists of a few stages:
You pass the online test that is aimed at identifying whether you have emotional or psychological disabilities that can be treated with presence of an emotional support animal. Ten minutes of your time and you are done.
Your application gets reviewed and analyzed by a qualified medical professional. Note that our specialists work day and night so the evaluations of medical cases proceed almost simultaneously after application. If necessary, a doctor might have a quick chat with the client. Only in case the decision is in your favor, you have to pay for registration.
On the very same day, you get a hard copy of ESA certificate sent by post (free of charge) and the electronic PDF copy comes directly to your mail, so do not hesitate to make the advantage of it as soon as possible.
Want to know more?
Read the FAQ SECTION and find answers
to most popular questions on
emotional support animal registration:
Are ESA letters legitimate?
Yes. Our online service is qualified as a telemedicine one, and the medical specialists are all licensed by state.
What are the requirements for pets that qualify for ESA animals?
Though the most popular demand is getting the emotional support dog letter, any domestic animal of any age might be qualified as an emotional support pet. Legal restrictions mostly concern the owner, not the pet. The owner needs to have a medical reason for registering his pet as an ESA animal, so a doctor`s consultation is obligatory.
How much time do I need to register emotional support animal?
The application itself takes about ten minutes of your time, and you will be able to receive the document the very same day. All the doctors work 24/7 so any queries are settled directly. You can also have a chat with the doctor if you have a problem or need an advice.
Can the airline refuse to take my animal to the cabin?
It cannot if you have the valid emotional support animal letter. The only exception from this rule is the case when the behavior of your pet is harmful or potentially dangerous to people around him. That is why to prepare for your flight and avoid the unpleasant surprises, it is recommended to take your animal to public places to make him acquainted with crowds and loud noises.
What if my landlord refuses to take my animal for free?
A property owner has no legal rights to refuse accommodating people with their emotional support animals except for when the pet is a hazard to tenants. Please note that all the damage made by the animal is fully compensated by its owner, so be sure to train your pet to behave.
Can I get a verification if I need one?
You can get your ESA letter verified any day during the period of validity, 24/7. To make it, either contact us online or by calling the medical specialist.
How long will my ESA letter be valid?
The period of validity of all emotional support animal letters is one year. After the expiry, a client has a chance to renew the document quickly for a reduced fee.