Emotional support cat

Understanding How to Get an Emotional Support Cat and Why You’d Better Register Your ESA

Cats are not just an all-favorite type of pets but they also make simply amazing emotional support animals. In fact, these cute and playful creatures can be much more than just our pets. They can serve a very special role – offer companionship and relief from emotional troubles to those who need a bit of support in times of distress.
Why choose a cat? Let’s see:

  • Cats are fun to play with
  • Their purring has a soothing effect on our mental health
  • Their very presence can make us calm down
  • They make us feel better when we are nervous, angry or depressed.

All this makes our feline friends the best candidates for the role of an emotional support animal.
But before you go and get one yourself, it’s useful to learn why every ESA owner should stay within legal rules and never ignore the need to register their animals.

Why Emotional Support Cat Registration Is Important

Registering your ESA is just as important as making sure you don’t abuse your rights as an ESA cat owner. The only right way to register cat as emotional support animal is to get a proof that you really need an ESA or, in other words – to get an official ESA certificate signed by a qualified mental health expert. This is exactly what will give you full access to your rights and privileges as an ESA owner.

Reasons for getting your cat certified

So, why should you certify your cat? It will:

  • Let you take your cat on board the plane without leaving it in the cargo section.
  • Give you a right to rent no-pet apartments without paying any pet fees to the landlord.
  • Let you take your cat with you to work as a great way to overcome stress on busy days.
  • Give you more freedom when entering certain public places with your pet.
  • Most importantly, it will allow you not to part with your little friend for a long time but to stay together even when traveling somewhere.
    How to make sure your letter is valid?
    Every ESA cat letter should be written by a healthcare professional to guarantee that it’s valid and you don’t face any problems with the law while using it. Basically, the next things are necessary to make sure your letter is legitimate. It should:

  • Be written on a special letterhead paper belonging to a mental health institution or a certified doctor.
  • Must contain the therapist’s signature and the date on which the letter was issued.
  • Must also contain the license number belonging to the healthcare provider who will give you the letter.

Just keep in mind these simple yet important things if you want to have no contradictions with the law or face other difficulties.
Note: Don’t forget that your certificate will be valid for one year only and should be renewed annually.

Details on How to Register My Cat as an Emotional Support Animal

Before you certify your cat and get a letter, your diagnosis should be approved by the therapist to be sure that this way of treatment will bring the desirable effects in your case.

Steps to make your emotional support cat certified

  1. Determine whether a cat can really help you overcome your health troubles
  2. Find a qualified mental health specialist
  3. Get a consultation with the therapist to prove your need for a support cat
  4. Get an official document – an ESA letter
  5. Enjoy your new rights and freedoms and never forget about the rules and limitations.

That’s about it. There is no other way to pass emotional support cat certification. You only need to go through several easy steps, get your certificate and welcome amazing changes into your new life with a furry friend. And the best part of it all is that you won’t have to meet a therapist in person, simply because everything can be done online without going anywhere.

What’s written in an ESA certificate?

Don’t be confused with the words “registration” or “certification”. Airlines or landlords don’t need any particular registration of ESA cats. You only need an official letter stating that you’re diagnosed with a specific mental problem, you’re under treatment and a cat for emotional support is a part of this treatment.
After getting your letter, you won’t have to pass any additional registration on any website. That’s a misconception so you’ll need nothing but an ESA letter.

Other useful tips on ESA cat certification

Even though no law requires you to pass any specific registration process, it’s worth making sure your cat gets certified to gain access to all the benefits of ESA ownership.
On the other hand, there are a few things you might want to keep in mind before you certify your cat. These include the next ones:

  • Check if your cat’s health is in order.
  • Make sure your pet can quickly get used to the unfamiliar environment.
  • Make sure your cat is well-mannered and knows how to behave in public.

And don’t forget that the goal of emotional support cats is to be a source of comfort for their caretakers and not a nuisance for their owners or anyone around.
An ideal emotional support cat should be able to calm down easily, have a gentle character, and easily adapt to changes and new places.
All these things will let you meet the requirements for ESA registration and avoid any trouble while certifying your ESA cat. But most importantly, it will ensure that your cat is fit for its role of an ESA and can help you relax whenever you are anxious or nervous.
Are you ready to give it a try? Then make one step forward on your way to recovery. Reach out to a therapist online to get an ESA certificate quickly and easily!